lundi 19 mars 2012

Barbar -

Saturday we laid low for St.Patrick's day. But that doesn't mean we didn't drink anything though ! We do have a beer blog to feed after all.

We got  a beer called Barbar brewed by Les Brasseurs RJ (under licensing I believe). It's a seasonal golden beer that contains about 2% of honey.

Also, it's really high in fermentation (picture below to prove it, tons of yeast floating around...)
They say it's a ''back to basic'' beer, since back in the days they used honey to sweetened their beverages.

As far as being a ''honey'' beer, I would say it's very subtle. Nor Marc and I could taste any sweetness. But, you could smell it. A little. Honey and something a tad bit more spicy... coriander?
Overall, big disappointment, it tasted like a generic beer. It's not original by any means.

No Big Woop.


2 commentaires:

  1. cool l'dée de mettre des pourcentages
    c'est le degré d'alcool de la bière , ou ta note personnelle sur le goût - texture ??

  2. c'était bien le pourcentage d'alcool. Mais j'ai tellement pas aimé ça que ça aurait pu être ma note aussi ! haha
