mardi 13 mars 2012

I'm Betty-freakin'-Crocker !

It's really shameful to admit, but at 23 I have never cooked a dessert that didn't come out of a box. Sad I know, but true. So cooking muffins is kind of  a big deal to me. 

So yesterday I found a recipe that looked really great, so I tried it. I tweaked it a little bit though. I used the Mill Street Coffee Porter beer instead of Imperial Stout. For 2 reasons : I had none and I thought the rich taste of coffee would go well with the cacao. Same reasons apply to the use of raspberries instead of cherries :) 

The original recipe can be found here.

.... Ta Da !

They just came out of the oven, the taste is coffee/chocolatey/spicy goodness !

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