lundi 2 avril 2012

Les Trois Mousquetaires - Doppelbock

Over the weekend it was our 4th anniversary so we decided to be fancy and drink wine, but we did get to try a new beer too !

Les Trois Mousquetaires microbrewery based in Brossard, Quebec. We got to taste their Doppelbock (8%) which is dark brown-ish beer that is very sweet, with aromas of roasted malt, caramel and candied fruits. 

According to my taste buds, the aftertaste reminded me of pineapple juice ! So it's definitely  for the beer lovers with a sweet tooth.

It was a limited edition for march, so for the people who are interested in getting to taste this beer, I would recommend going to your local liquor store asap :)  

 BTW that bottle was impossible to open ! ah ah ! 

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