mardi 6 mars 2012

UFO Pumpkin Beer (we're sooo in the season)

My friend brought this beer back from her trip in the Maine a couple of months ago. This one is from the Harpoon's Brewery and is brewed with real pumpkins.
''No artificial flavors'' she thought, ''this gotta be good'' !

It's an okay beer really, it's better than the Saint-Ambroise Pumpkin Ale, which was horrible. This one is sweet, yet a bit spicy. Think caramel with a drizzle of cinnamon. Since it's unfiltered so that makes the beer cloudy (just a heads up for people who like crystal clear beer!) As far as the appearance, it's orange-ish with a slight haze.

This brew is only available through august to october.
UFO Beer? C'mon get one only for the name. 

more information about the brewery right here

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